Payment has to be done only after delivery.
Please check your order throughly before payment and return items that are not required. There is no provision of Online Payment as of now. We are in the process of starting the Online Payment option soon.
Return Policy:
We follow "no question asked" return policy. We encourage customers to check the products on delivery, if the customer is not satisfied with any product it has to be returned immediately. The returned product can be replaced or the amount adjusted in the bill as per customer requirement. Those Products which came along as a part of any deal cannot be returned individually ,rather the deal has to be accepted or returned completely. There is no return of the products accepted at time of delivery, used partially or fully.
The order can be cancelled by getting in touch with our executives 3 hours before the scheduled delivery.
Purchase amount of the product returned at the time of delivery will be adjusted in bill amount at time of payment.
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